Born in in Lviv, Ukraine
Resides and works in Mallorca, Spain

Selected exhibitions:

2024 Summer Glow (solo exhibition), commercial space, Palma, Spain
2023 Find Your Oasis 2 (solo exhibition), commercial space, Palma, Spain
2023 Sunflower Network (group exhibition), Los Angeles, USA
2022 Art collection of Sparkasse Holstein (group exhibition), Bad Oldesloe, Germany
2021 Contemplation (solo exhibition), gallery KunstRaum, Hamburg, Germany
2021 Find Your Oasis (solo exhibition), gallery Studio28 Milchstrasse, Hamburg, Germany
2021 London Art Biennale, Chelsea Old Town Hall, London, UK
2020 Connecting The Opposites (group exhibition), gallery Azar Art, Hamburg, Germany


2020 Artistic Excellence Award in Magazine Contest, Circle Foundation, Lyon, France

Selected press:

Madita Eggers, Kunst gegen Krieg: ukrainische Künstlerin Natalia Dinsel-Bondarenko stellt ihre Werke im AEZ aus in TAG24 (2023)
Luka, Sparkasse Holstein startet Spendenaktion für Ukraine in Hamburger Abendblatt (2022)
FM editor, The Psychology of Art. How the canvas can heal the mind and body in Forbes Monaco (2021)
DH editor, Natalia Dinsel-Bondarenko and her philosophical art in Le Deluxe Hamburg (2020)
HA editor, Malerin Natalia Dinsel stellt an der Waitzstraße aus in Hamburger Abendblatt (2021)
Elisabetta Roncati, Natalia Dinsel-Bondarenko: how art embraces deeply our lives in ARTSAIL (2021)